Sturges Paranormal
On Sunday, March 29th at 3pm, Sturges Paranormal is pleased to announce a lecture on, "Ghosts and the Paranormal," being given by Garrett Husveth of Haunted New Jersey. Garrett's presentation "Ghosts and the Paranormal" discusses the theory and science behind modern-day ghost and paranormal research.
Garrett Husveth is a court-approved Forensic Examiner dealing with digital, audio and video media. With a background in forensics, software development and computer systems design and security, he is currently applying the latest technologies to the Haunted NJ's field research. Mr. Husveth first began investigating paranormal phenomenon in 1986 and became interested in Electronic Voice Phenomena and stringent scientific approaches to psychical research. He has been featured in print throughout the United States and has either appeared on or consulted for TV shows dealing with the paranormal, including The History Channel's "Haunted History" series, MSNBC, The Travel Channel, FangoriaTV, and FOX Networks as well as various independently produced documentaries and local NJ television stations.
An avid recorder of spirit voices or Electronic Voice Phenomena for twenty years, Husveth will be presenting several samples of voices caught on recording media onsite at actual haunted locations.
Sunday, March 29th at 3pm
Polaris North Theatre
245 West 29th Street, 4th Floor
New York City
(bet 7 & 8th Ave)
$15 in advance/$20 at the door
646-373-6868 for more info
you can sign up and pay for each lecture on our site at:
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